Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mana Potion and Healing Potion, Doh!

GAME ON MIND @ ROHAN - doh! loose my mind when I'm searching this kind of potion. This potion would be needed for a quest and forging the larger pot.

almost a day I'm searching about this pot guide but at last founded and feel disapointed when knowing this kind of pot gained from fishing pool. You all know to fishing we'll need a bait and the quality of bait will effect what kind of fish you will get. even the needle not in the center of the fishing game, it also effect the rank of the fish.

for a several reason I got the way to gain the pot on randomize by make the bait with what you get from the pool but for mana potion and healing potion I don't know the right recipe. most I will get the lesser mana potion/healing potion and minor mana potion /healing potion. at the auction the price of this potion is up to 1000 crones even more. so are you have the right recipe to get this potion?


Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (commonly abbreviated MMORPG) is a genre of computer role-playing games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within a virtual game world.

As in all RPGs, players assume the role of a fictional character (often in a fantasy world), and take control over many of that character's actions. MMORPGs are distinguished from single-player or small multi-player RPGs by the number of players, and by the game's persistent world, usually hosted by the game's publisher, which continues to exist and evolve while the player is away from the game. This is often referred to being offline, or AFK (away from keyboard).

MMORPGs are very popular throughout the world. Worldwide revenues for MMORPGs exceeded half a billion dollars in 2005, and Western revenues exceeded US$1 billion in 2006. In 2007 and 2008 the virtual goods buying and trading has increased dramatically. Next to the more traditional subscription model, virtual goods are a second source of revenues for publishers. In 2008, Western consumer spending on subscription MMOGs grew to $1.4 billion. World of Warcraft had over 11 million subscribers as of 2009.

Usually there was few server host this game as I know there was private server that usually host by individual or game maniacs (lol ^^), local server usually host by local game company and international server. since the game has both side server side and client side, there always been a lack that can be exploit by cheater even the game had a gg (game guard).

source :

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I'm Selling Texas Holdem Poker Chip (facebook)

GAME ON MIND - Yeah that is right! I'm selling my texas holdem poker chip in facebook. now my account balance is 500 M poker chip. I know that is large sum so I check out the market price for 10 M poker chip it will cost you $1 so this time I will give you a special price for 100 M is $80 and if you want to buy all my poker chip I will give you more special price $445

Sell texas holdem facebook poker chip

technically cause zynga not allowing this kind of trade. so it would be safe if you buy my all my chip and I will give you my facebook account. so if you wan to bid my price let me know in the comment :D

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Just Playing Airport mania

airport maniaGAME ON MIND - I have bad stomach ache last night ... can't go anywhere this week end. so I decide to download some game from yahoo games and I choice the Airport Mania.

My Computer spesificatin is Intel Pentium 780 Mhz and 256 Mb of ram with 28 Mb Vga card and guest what that game fully accelerated on my machine. the operating system that support this game is windows 2000 or higher and mac os

This quest is how we can managed all the airplane and land it on the airport. the airplane char designed with funny face so when their time is on deadline their eyebrow will exposed a mad eye. nice game.

you can download it on airport mania yahoogames or trough the official site of airport mania. you can play this game for free in 60 minutes if you not purchase it.. enjoy the game.

if you have question regarding my posts you can send it trough pandiblog [at] ymail [dot] com

Monday, May 18, 2009

THe Legend Of Elven hari ini!

Game on Mind - hari ini real server Legend of elven dah bisa dimainin mudah mudahan aja ndak ada cheat buat pacth legend of elven. menarik juga pesan dari gm wahh mudah mudahan aja terwujud deh. pesannya begini nih

Senin, 18 Mei 2009

Halo Patriot RF,

Kami ingin memberitahukan adanya penambahan Sistem Security FIREGUARD, dimana bagi patriot RF yang menggunakan Program Ilegal akan ke block otomatis dari sistem (1 - 3 hari)

Setelah waktu block selesai ID dapat dimainkan seperti biasa.

Kami menghimbau untuk semua patriot RF untuk tidak menggunakan Program Ilegal dan bersama - sama menciptakan komunitas RF Online yang menyenangkan.

Terima Kasih

RF Online Indonesia

ya udah ini juga lagi download patchnya... ganbate bellato !

Friday, February 13, 2009

Perlawanan GM dan Berkurangnya Cheater

Game On Mind @ RF-ONLINE - setelah gw posting masalah cheat rf yang dah keluar lagi kemarin, sepertinya membuahkan hasil. pas gw maen gila semua server sepertinya dah mulai ada tanda-tanda kehidupan, dan yang paling keliatan adalah jumlah yang blink-blink dah mulai berkurang dan MAU dan mulai berani keluar.. wah kalo kayak gini hitler bakalan jadi archon lagi nggak ya :D

permasalahan yang tersisa adalah lelang yang ngebug.. tapi untungnya bisa diakalin dengan rajin rajin ngecek lelang. kalo ngebug tinggal cabut and ganti harga :D

gimana ya cheaternya apakah mereka berhenti maen game.. ya kalo emang mereka suka game nggak bakalan berhenti kok .. gw yakin mereka akan tetep maen sambil terus nyari update cheat rf yang bisa tembus :P .

Buat GM RF perlawanan ama cheater nggak bakalan selesai.. so jangan bosen bosen ya :D

Monday, February 9, 2009

akhirnya Nukiye lengkap forcenya

Game On Mind @ RF - Akhirnya nukiye adeknya si udang dah punya force combination complete heheh.. ternyata gunain exelcior yang tipe c jauh lebih gede tingkat keberhasilannya dibandingin pake exelcior tipe b apalagi a.

nah buat yang belum tau kombinasi exelciornya buat bikin force nih dia

buat Kombinasiin potongan exelcior nih gw kutip dari rf-online Indonesia.

Ekselsior tipe A = ekselsior pieces 10 biji + 5 silver catalyst + 2 gold catalyst
Ekselsior tipe B = ekselsior pieces 15 biji + 12 silver catalyst + 5 gold catalyst
Ekselsior tipe C = ekselsior pieces 30 biji + 20 silver catalyst + 10 gold catalys

nah kita usahain pake yang c biar jadi / jarang gagal, lumayan juga kan kalo talicnya ilang, gw dah ilang resto 3 kali gara gara pake ekselsior tipe A ( T_T ) nah sekarang kombinasi forcenya
buat force suci, sorry nggak pake gambar lagi capek .. tapi karena lagi seneng nih bela-belain posting.


Force Bless + Force Elemental Shield + Restoration Talic + Ekselsior Putih (White) Tipe C + Berdoa biar nggak gagal.

Force Holly Shield

Force Restoration + Force Healing + Restoration Talic + Ekselsior Putih Tipe C + Mejemin Mata takut kalo gagal.

Force Efficiency

Force Balad + Force Restoration + Restoration Talic + Ekselsior Putih Tipe C + Berharap Biar nggak gagal.
Force Element Api (Fire) gunain ekselsior warna merah dan Sacred Talic

Force Blaze Pearl

Force Flame Arrow + Force Prism Beam + Sacred Talic + Ekselsior Merah (Red) Tipe C

Force Solar Blade

Force Pentacle + Force Circle of Fire + Sacred Talic + Ekselsior Merah Tipe C

Force Blaze Lance

Force Inferno + Force Fireball + Sacred Talic + Ekselsior Merah Tipe C

Force Meteor

Force Flash beam + Force Swarn + Sacred Talic + Ekselsior Merah Tipe C
Force Elemen Air (Aqua) Gunain Belief Talic dan ekselsior warna biru laut (Navy)

Force Wave Rage

Force Frost Arrow + Force Ice Hard + Belief Talic + Navy ekselsior Tipe C

Force Frost Nova

Force Aqua Blade + Force Mis Shot + Belief Talic + Navy ekselsior Tipe C

Force Confuse

Force Elemental Bum + Force Blind Sight + Belief Talic + Navy ekselsior Tipe C

Force Sloth

Force Weaknes + Power Drain + Belief Talic + Navy ekselsior Tipe C
Force Elemen Tanah (Terra) gunain Guard Talic + ekselsior warna Coklat (brown)

Force Venom Breath

Force Vain break + Force Tectonic Might + Guard Talic + Ekselsior Coklat Tipe C

Force Sand Storm

Force Fetor + Force Toxic Bane + Guard Talic + ekselsior Coklat Tipe C

Force Entangle

Force Soul Bline + Force Desolate + Guard Talic + ekselsior Coklat Tipe C

Force Tranquility

Force Soul Mute + Force Esnare + Guard Talic + ekselsior Coklat Tipe C
Force Elemen Angin (Wind) gunain Glory Talic dan ekselsior biru (Blue) Tipe C

Blast Shot

Force Energy ball + Force electric Bolt + Glory Talic + ekselsior biru Tipe C


Force Air blast Chain + Force Whirlwind + Glory Talic + ekselsior biru tipe C

Skill revoker

Force Skill Thaw + Force Purge + Glory Talic + ekselsior biru Tipe C

Force revoker

Force Ekstrak + Force Revealer + Glory Talic + ekselsior biru Tipe C

Friday, January 30, 2009

akan ada apa di Raising Force (RF) Online Patch Baru?

GAME ON MIND @ RF - wah isu patch baru dah santer banget... bakalan ada apaan ya nanti kalo dah di patch yang pasti pas gw ngecek situsnya mmorpg bakalan ada catapult baru nih liat gambarnya :

nah itu tampak depan catapultnya sekarang catapult tampak belakang :

warnanya keren ya lebih cerah dari yang biru.. tapi ndak tau damagenya ... mesti nunggu sampe patch baru nih T_T nah sekarang gambar goliathnya . lebih keren cuma jadi lucu soalnya pisonya jadi mirip bulu.

nah ini tampak belakang :

buat armor belatonya juga keren jadi kaya saint seiya gitu.. :D

hehehe yang gw tampilin disini belato aja.. semuanya dapet armor baru.. cora armornya mirip kayak belato.. acc biru nyala gitu.. terus acc dapet black siege kit di patch yang baru nanti. itu kalo bocoran dari situs mmorpg.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Hitler Berhenti jadi archon Bellato gara gara Cheater

GAME ON MIND @ RF - apa jadinya kalo hitler jadi archon belato, and hitler memutuskan untuk berhenti gara-gara para cheater.. sekedar himbauan. buat yang gila cheat di game gratisan :P . selamat menikmati.. tontonan wajib buat para Cheater dan Chiter

kalo ada yang minta translate-artinya koment aja :D

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Penasaran Pengen Bikin Armor Kelas C

GAME ON MIND @ RF - lagi penasaran pengen bikin armor kelas c kali aja bisa nahan dikit cheat aspd. caranya si dah dapet tinggal gimana ngumpulin dalantnya nih. mesti tahan banting, and mau bolak balik ngadepin kaleng aspd.

cara bikin armor kelas c nya mesti ada bahan kayak gini

armor kelas B + red stone 10 biji + purple exelcior piece 99 biji + purple exelcior kelas c + ability 10 = armor kelas c

nah kalo red stone aja dah susah nyarinya hi2x ability bisa lah dapet armor kelas b bisa.. mesti sering nambang nih gw.. sambil ngelengkapin force sucinya nukiye. biar makin keren nih adeknya udang.

buat ability lo bisa liat tabel dibawah berapa ability yang bisa lo dapet dari tiap level senjata.. cara ekstrak abilitynya ? pasti tau dong.. coba aja cari di situs rf.. kalo ndak ada.. ya besok deh gw posting .. tinggalin komen ya kalo maen kesini.. biar gw semangat bikin postingannya :D

Weapons L1-L181235710121518

dark warior web based RPG

GAME ON MIND @ dark warior - wah dah nyobain game ini dua hari and bener asyik, tapi pertempurannya gila kalo nggak masuk klan. untungnya gw ketemu pete123 yang ngajak gw masuk ke clannya the noldor.

sampai dengan 2 hari ini. gw dah punya lisensi mancing, satu outpost buat menghasilkan token yang nantinya bisa buat beli makanan and minuman yang bisa balikin energi sama hp, terus sama sisa duit di bank 12000 gold. yah lumayan lahh untuk ukuran level 3. walaupun level ndak jadi ukuran di game ini.

equipt gw untuk level 3 dah komplit semua. tinggal bunuh-bunuhin kelinci.. oh iya karena naek levelnya cepet banget di game ini mendingan langsung masuk klan aja dan seting pajak experience di klan lo jadi 90%

kalo ada yang maen dark warior monggo koment and kenalan and kalo bisa sharing ya

Monday, January 26, 2009

Cheat Raising Force (RF) Terbaru Kok dah keluar lagi ya?

GAME on MIND @ RF - waduh ndak ada yang aman kayaknya game di indonesia selalu kena cheat terus :( . dulu maen gunbound gara gara ada cheat benang.. jadi pindah ke xian .. eh di xian ada cheat boot .. waduh akhirnya lari ke Raising Force (RF) akhirnya lumayan enak lahh, sempet nyobain Perfect World tapi nyatanya baru keluar dah ada bootnya ... game cacad :P .... di RF ternyata jebol juga. berusaha bertahan sih di rf tapi kayaknya kalo GM-nya nggak serius nggak bakalan bisa bikin betah yang maen normal.. tapi emang bisa bikin betah yang maennya pake cheat.. waduh.. sayang banget padahal nih game.. seru .. sedikit nyesel juga liat lyto bukan malah ngebenerin game yang udah ada jadi makin P3RF3CT tapi malah nambah game baru.. aaa... emangnya user yang ngecheat itu lebih nguntungin ya dari pada yang nggak ngecheat.

Dah gitu akhir akhir ini lagnya minta ampyun.. padahal kemarin baru di patch and diganti hack shilednya jadi cheat lama nggak bisa harus pake Cheat RF yang Terbaru .. pernah sekali chat ama orang yang ngecheat katanya dia dah 40 kali di ban sama GM.. tapi dia buat baru lagi.. kata dia cepet kok setengah jam dah sampe level 40. wew.. gw aja lama banget pengen ampe 40 aja biar bisa rubah job di pemimpin bangsa. dia cuma setengah jam. WTF Cheater..

dah lah palingan sambil maen game lain yang nggak cacad .. MMORPG gitu kayak Travian .. and baru daftar di dark world.. ya udah deh .. buat yang baca postingan ini usahain jangan nge... Cheat maen jujur lah.. ;) buat GM tetep semangat dunk .. walaupun emang susah ngurusin game yang 2 sisi kayak gini (Server Side & client side) tetep tunjukin kalo lo emang suka game .. and bener bener ngurusin game, kalo nggak.. waduh.. mesti ketik REG spasi PRIMBON kayaknya nih GMnya :P
Lost Souls MUD: Online Text based RPG